If your business hasn’t taken the leap into cloud accounting yet and is wondering whether to take the plunge read on to find out why it might benefit your business. 
As more and more services go online and employees are working more flexibly from anywhere, the case for cloud accounting becomes stronger and stronger as it allows businesses to have real-time information at their fingertips anywhere. 
What are the benefits of cloud accounting? 
There are so many benefits that can be realised from adopting cloud accounting which include: 
Instant access to your data from anywhere using a laptop or mobile device 
Greater transparency of your financial position 
Access real-time sales and income data 
Can integrate with your bank account to save admin time on data entry 
It can streamline admin processes/tasks reducing admin time and tedious tasks 
It can reduce the headcount required in your accounts team or refocus your team due to fewer administrative duties 
Can provide authorised access and user levels to employees to aid collaboration 
Your data is backed up automatically as it is stored online 
It can integrate with other useful apps such as Receipt Bank, GoCardless, Stripe and Vend to further improve your business processes 
It is a secure and safe place to store your data 
You can set up personalised dashboards showing the financial information you want to see 
Choosing cloud accounting software 
There are many cloud accounting software packages available, and each has its advantages. Although we are happy to use all the relevant software with our clients such as Quickbooks, Freeagent and Xero, our recommendation is Xero as we find it easy and simple to use. 
We have made the investment into both Xero software and training so that we can provide our clients with the greatest level of support. As part of this, we have achieved Xero Advisor Certified status and are qualified to provide advice and training. 
If you choose to switch to Xero, we can help you get set up or migrate if you are currently using other software. We can also deliver virtual training tailored to your business designed for both business owners and bookkeepers. 
Get in touch if you want to explore this more or make the switch. 
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